
Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Silk Paper or Not!!

15th October 2013

I wanted to make silk paper today using the wet method.

It didn't quite work out because I should have used silk tops not noils!!

Having said that, I am sure I will be able to use the result and I now know the procedure involved.

A J cloth is placed on the bottom of a shallow tray and silk is layered from top to bottom and left to right.

The cloth was folded over and nearly boiling water was poured over this.....

..this was then rubbed with a spoon...

rolled up to remove the water then placed in a medium of PVA and water...

... squeezed ...

and left to dry..

...lovely texture and colour but definitely not paper!!

I also tried with 'silk hankies'

this looks like raspberry ripple ice cream!! I also used silk throwsters waste but this wasn't successful either. I think I may 'sandwich' this between organza or soluble fabric and stitched. 

Onward and upward, I finished stitching my petals...

...and stitched the front of the cushion cover using my twin needle and was quite pleased with the subtle textured effect....

...lastly I cut out some sponge printed scrim to form leaves. These will be stitched for detail and to give  more texture

I am now going to order some silk tops for a second attempt at wet silk paper making!!


  1. I love your leaves and petals Irene. It's all coming together nicely.
    The silk paper making steps are really clear.

  2. Thanks Jo, I have ordered my silk tops from Sara's Texture Crafts today. The silk I did today still isn't dry! but is firmer.

  3. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm raspberry ripple ice-cream!
