
Sunday, 20 August 2017

Crochet, Gardening and Dyeing Results!

20th August 2017

A dry, occasionally sunny day so did some tidying in the garden.... nearly full wheelie bin after 2 hours....

.....beautiful hydrangea...

....fabulous fuchsia...

....the virginia creeper is starting to change colour....

....this is a very prolific climber with a  delicate flower but don't know the name!


I have been watching you tube for flower patterns, these are samples and I have written instructions on each...

....using oddments from my stash, made up quite a few of these designs... silk strips, LOVE the colours and texture of the various silks...

....a square of cotton that I used to 'mop up'...

....really pleased with these results on cotton...

...unfortunately fabric dyed with Brusho cannot be washed, but good backgrounds for a mixed media piece, thank you Deborah O'Hare of Quilt Routes for sharing on Pinterest!

Great colour and texture on this scrim....

...Brusho colour is so vibrant, can't wait to use my fabrics!

Must make the dinner now....

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Fun Dyeing Fabric....

19th August 2017

Every morning as I drink my lemon water  I check e-mails, Facebook, Pinterest, my blog and BBC news, a creature of habit...

...I now have 999 followers on Pinterest and am quite excited!

This morning I found a pin by Deborah O'hare of Quilt Routes about dyeing fabrics and had to have a go!!

I only had Brusho to use...

....cotton fabric sprayed with water then painted using Turquoise, Orange and Ultra Marine diluted in water... you scrunch and roll and leave to dry...



yellow, scarlet, turquoise, ultra marine...

...rolled and left to dry, will have to wait until tomorrow to see results!!

A couple of years ago I bought a bundle of silk strips and they have just sat in my stash....

....used the liquid left to dye some strips....

....think this is linen scrim, love the texture...

....used the Brusho to dye, the fabric which was more receptive when  washed and rinsed, I actually sprinkled the shades of green onto the wet fabric...

....rather like this, cotton I used to clean the brush and wipe the plastic!

The most difficult part of this dyeing process is waiting for the fabric to dry before I can see the results!!!

Visit tomorrow....

Friday, 18 August 2017

A Busy Few Days.....

18th August 2017

Sock yarn from my stash, I have been watching a You Tube video on how to make a circle in a granny square. These are just the circles as I want to use a plain colour for the square border. I have been inspired by the work of Sophie Digard and am going to make a throw, it's going to take a while but I love a challenge!! Will give progress reports....

.....I have used some of my ribbon, sari silk and cords fabric to make a cover on this Windsor and Newton Sketchbook, thinking of taking a Christmas craft stall....

....another W&N sketchbook, smaller, using my printed tree on hand painted calico...

...a Pink Pig spiral book....

....also made 3 more cards, this is a small handmade paper card with free machined, beaded organza flower....

.....finally used my Sage fabric prints mounted on silk scrim and handmade papers....

...hope you like my designs!


Heard today that Alba, my gorgeous granddaughter has taken her first steps, can't wait to see her!!

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Not Everything Works Out !!!

15th August 2017

Remember this preparation....

....stitched, ribbons added...

...handmade cords and free machining....

...close up.... the texture but prefer brighter colours!

Made a cord as I will probably make a note book cover with the fabric.


Haven't baked for ages so made a carrot cake...

....very moist and delicious according to my son and disappearing FAST!!


Decorated the cover of a small Pink Pig sketchbook.


Decided to make some fabric using sparkly threads used in my book cover fabric, took what I THOUGHT was soluble film and sandwiched lots of threads....

....stitched with metallic threads...

.....put in cold water, did not dissolve, put it in hot water, didn't dissolve, ironed between baking parchment, still did not dissolve but hardened!!!

Don't know what the 'film' was but it definitely wasn't soluble film so I don't have a sparkly new fabric!!!


I went to visit a friend yesterday who has a 'March Fracture' in her right foot, apparently caused by dancing!! She gave me this book... a memento of my time volunteering in the park and starting the yarn bombing event!!

I was so THRILLED to have this book of memories.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

An Enjoyable Day

13th August 2017

My day began with flowers delivered this morning....

....many scented freesias, my favourite flower, in the bouquet...

......went for a walk and paddle along the sea shore as the tide was coming in, bliss....


made another card using Tyvek, scrim, beads and french knots...

....then prepared for a play time tomorrow, black felt for the base....

.....scrim, hand dyed fabrics and orange net strips from orange bags...

....ribbons and recycled sari silk added, all ready for stitching.... youngest son is now cooking for me, yum yum!