
Saturday 20 July 2019

Slow Stitching on my Wallhanging

20th July 2019

I pinned a selection of my eco and rust dyed fabric experiments onto a soft cotton wadding as I wanted to make a wallhanging for my hallway. I also wanted to hand stitch in a variety of ways, something I love to do while listening to an audio book. My granddaughter has been away on holiday so I had extra time to indulge myself, but I have missed her and will be glad to have her for a sleepover next week!

This was linen which had been rust dyed and I enjoyed experimenting with straight stitch....

....muslin with some needle weaving...

....a very fine cotton rusted with small metal plates, again experimenting with straight stitch!

Lots more to do and I also need more threads!


The parks are looking spectacular at the moment, so many rich, vibrant colours and shapes...


Last week I went to an Indian themed garden party, my neighbours decided to dress up so some of us went to Southall looking for items to decorate the marquee and something to wear. We had such a fun afternoon choosing.... outfit, just couldn't resist these colours, scarf, dress and trousers all for £10 !!!

The tables in the marquee...

....a beautiful day...

....set in lovely gardens... was a great afternoon enjoyed by all.


Lastly not sure whether I showed you this eco dyed piece with small eucalyptus leaves.....

...leaves wrapped in wool, bound and steamed, much lighter than my previous piece!

Wednesday 10 July 2019


10th July 2019

I have been busy up-cycling clothing and an old French linen bed sheet......

....this bundling is ready for my indigo vat, made from an old French linen bed sheet, I managed to make a large tablecloth and 8 napkins from the undamaged fabric... of the napkins to match the tablecloth, it took a while to hem!!

Charity shop finds in white cotton and linen.....

...this was only 50p as it had a small mark on it, perfect for my granddaughter.... good to up-cycle!

Made a 40th anniversary card for friends, hand embroidered french knots on silk....

...picked up some more eucalyptus leaves on a walk....

...result of eco dyeing by steaming on wool, not sure what I will do with it yet!!


Another visit to Kew Gardens and the beds were fabulous...

Another busy week ahead, thank you for visiting.....