
Tuesday, 26 March 2019

New Fabric from Recycled Threads

26th March 2019

I keep this bowl beside my machine when I am sewing and put all cut off threads into it....

....placed threads on dissolvable fabric...

....made a 'sandwich'...

....and used free machining to secure in a variety of metallic threads....



....rinsed in water...



..I prefer the front!


On Saturday I went with a friend to see a textile exhibition, it was brilliant and I wished I had money to spare as I could easily have bought some stunning items!!

I came back and went straight into my craft room and made these two cards which I am rather pleased with, inspired by some work in the exhibition!


A lovely day here and I spent a few hours in the park with my gorgeous granddaughter where we fed the ducks, had ice cream and I spent a long time pushing a swing!! Just love it!!!


Took these photos on my walk down to the bus, such beautiful blossom against the blue sky.

Until the next post, have a good week.....

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Keepsake Cards....

20th March 2019

I have been making cards for a long time and have raised over £1000 for charity in that time. People who have received/bought my embroidered cards say they keep them, frame them or use them as bookmarks which pleases me so much.

These are some of my recent makes which I hope to sell at a craft fair in Twickenham in April.....
....hand dyed background with embroidered flowers....

....a limpet shell enclosing french knots and beads on a hand dyed background with scrim and organza to add texture and colour...

....a new design for me...

...another limpet collected when I was in Cornwall with a pheasant feather I found on my way down to the beach.


Layered organza stitched with variegated threads, think i may do some free machine embroidery on this piece before I attach it to a sketch book.


My gorgeous granddaughter came for a sleepover and we walked into Richmond to feed the ducks.....

....saw this beauty.... 

....and an ever watchful Heron!!

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Printing on Fabric, Shibori, Shell Collage......

13th March 2019

Last day tomorrow and I have been preparing work to finish when I go home as I want to use beads and my machine and lots of items I couldn't bring with me because I travelled by train!

A friend on the course let me use her wooden printing blocks and paints, this was my favourite...

....might stitch the outline and attach to wadding... this happy fish, the background fabric is actually a denim blue...

...looks rather fierce...

....there was some dye left in the bowl so drew out a simple starfish shape and stitched...

....pulled the stitches tight...

....result, I think it would have been a better result if I had let the fabric dry before taking out the threads AND I wouldn't have blue fingers!!!

Some of my beach finds including small pheasant feathers...

...this was in the stream on the beach and looked really beautiful when wet so think I might coat with acrylic wax to bring out the colours....

....super texturing on these...

....need to do more to this before it is made into a card, the organza was gently heated with a heat gun to create some texture with more texture from the french knots in the shell..

....planning another with hand dyed organza background...

....again this needs to be finished, I am going to be busy when I go home!!!

Another idea from a friend here, calico dip dyed in tea, think I might make a long sea shore picture or hanging with some of my beach finds and lots of stitch on a wadding background for a good textured effect.

This week has been very relaxed with just 6 of us , we have enjoyed meals together, wine, chocolate and most of all learning from each other, a real treat!!

Already booked for next year!

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

More playing and experimenting....

12th March 2019

Well, we have certainly experienced some very blustery weather the last 10 days, Storm Freya and Gareth have made their presence felt!!!

However yesterday looked promising in the morning and we all walked down to the little beach....

...water patterns in the sand...

...looking for treasures...

...the sheep joined us...

...saw 2 pheasant but by the time I got my phone out they had nearly disappeared!! Such beautiful birds...

....the walk back is up hill and slow so time to notice signs of spring...



....'pussy willow'...

....the studio, and a cup of coffee!!


On Sunday we all treated ourselves to a Sunday Roast at Heligan which was delicious!!


Studio work this week involved...

...... a tip for a design for shadow stitch on organza, 2 pencils taped together and moved freely across the paper....

...traced on silk organza with a water soluble pen....

....rather like the herringbone stitch effect.....

....not quite sure what this fabric is, cotton or hemp, thick weave, I drew out some threads and played with weaving and stitch. Like the ethnic look!

Open weave linen with drawn and pulled thread work...

.....continuing with my small lap blanket... picture background is complete but need to add the petals and stamens when I get home, quite pleased with my hand dyed fabrics and seed stitch.

Acrylic paint on silk organza to use as flowers..

....painted Bondaweb using some gorgeous Lumiere paints....

....layered organza on calico base using Bondaweb, think I will add more and machine stitch, maybe use for a book cover.

Very wet and blustery this morning so we are all in the studio, drinking tea, sharing ideas and generally having a creative relaxing time!!