
Sunday, 23 September 2018

A Satisfying Day

23rd September 2018

The sun is shining at the moment but it was very dark and wet this morning so I have spent the day in my craft room......

....spent some time sorting boxes and found this cushion cover made using my own eco printed fabric....

....this cushion cover was made by weaving some of my rusted fabric then machine embroidered...

....also these indigo dyed tea towels which I had forgotten about!!

I then made this table topper, which will be under glass, using my embellisher, fleece and hand  dyed fabrics....

....close up of flowers...

...organza... dyed muslin and wool...


...scrim and felt...

....lastly made this 'keepsake card' of moon gazing hare, hand stitched on an old linen napkin.

My crochet square blanket is progressing slowly, hope to finish it this week!!

Saturday, 15 September 2018

A Very Busy Week!!

15th September 2018

Last weekend my sister came over to fit the blinds she had made for me, photo doesn't do them justice.....

....Monday was spent with Alba and involved 16000 steps!!!
The weather was beautiful as we walked through a golf course to Bunny Park in Hanwell where we visited the little zoo and enjoyed an ice cream before Alba played on the park.

Love walking through 'tree tunnels'.


This is one of the table top covers made using fleece matching the colours in my living room curtains and blind, just need to trim it to size, enjoyed the process of needle felting on my embellisher....

....the second table top cover will have a needle felted base and colour and texture from some of my many dyed fabrics.


Tuesday I had a delivery from IKEA....

....from this.... this....

...and this... this..

...also made up this shelving, a real sense of achievement as I did it all by myself, I might add it took 2 days in all!!

Now I need to have a VERY BIG sort out in my craft room and label everything, might take a while!!


On Thursday I went to the Nordic Walking class, the weather was glorious again and as only 2 came for various reasons we were worked very hard!! Nordic walking is much more than 'walking with sticks', so many things to remember, chin up, shoulders down and relaxed, steps from heel to toe where you push down hard with the toes, straight arms at all times and push down the stick as you dig in the ground!!! It is a brain as well as body work out and I am really enjoying it!
Friday saw me at the charity shop pricing DVD's and measuring a big pile of fabric that had been donated, I resisted buying any!!

Today involves shopping for groceries, washing and lots of sorting!!


Finished the baby blanket, I used 'corner to corner ' crochet, so easy to pick up and put down and it grows quickly. 

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Another Rust Experiment

6th September 2018

I drew a circle using my water soluble marker and made marks evenly around the circle....

....inserted pins...

....more marks and pins added....

....all the pins now inserted...

....placed a square of handmade paper onto the rusting tin...

...placed the pinned fabric on top and sprayed lightly with distilled vinegar/water...

....placed another piece of cotton fabric on top...

....the result after 24 hours and pins removed.... fabric...

....rather pleased with the result, ready for hand stitching.


Rusting with a silk strip and large bolt...

....the silk is twisted and wound round the bolt, sprayed with vinegar/water...

.....this is the rather lovely result, reminds me of feathers!


I have been given 2 small tables for my living room, they need a makeover!

The strip of fabric on the left is from the edge of my window blind, I have matched my wool fleece/silk to the colours...

....tried a sample using my embellisher for a table topper which will be covered in glass.

Hope it works on a larger scale, my next project, could be a week or two before it is finished!!!

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Rusting Result..

4th September 2018

My experiment with old washers.....

...fairly successful apart from one of the washers not  rusting but some very interesting colours and textures! I left it until today to open but maybe that was too long with too much vinegar/water sprayed!! Think I will put paper above and below instead of plastic next time. 

Had a lovely walk in Richmond Park, looked up a lot to see the wonderful shapes of the trees and leaves with sunlight peeping through, the leaves are already turning so a different view in a few weeks.....

....ferns growing on either side of the many pathways in the park gave this delicate shadow, made me want to do some printing... many beautiful shapes and colours.....

....the seed heads and grasses I collected on my walk, not as much variety as I had hoped, maybe find more on a riverside walk....

.....tried Nordic Walking this week and really looking forward to the next session!

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Many WIP's......

2nd September 2018

Can't believe it is SEPTEMBER!! Where has the year gone?

I am still trying to sort boxes of 'craft stuff ' and have found lots of lovely inspiring items.....

....a collection of shells with holes ready for stitching....

.....rusted objects...

....just had to rust print...

....metal tray lined with plastic packaging, cotton off-cut, laid out washers then sprayed with distilled vinegar/water... 

....covered with another piece of cotton, plastic and weighted down!!

I might just have a peep tomorrow!!


Started off some Damson Gin this morning....

...making a baby blanket with a lovely Drops Yarn, 100% Baby Merino, using Corner to Corner crochet. I found out how to do this on You Tube, so easy to do!

Stitching my blanket squares together, also made with 4ply Drops Yarn, think this might take a while!!!

Think I will go for a walk in Richmond Park this afternoon to collect some grasses and seed heads, it is such a beautiful day....