
Sunday, 25 November 2018

Indigo Cushion and New Projects

25th November 2018

I cut my experimental indigo fabrics into squares....

....made a square design...

....machined together and tacked to cotton wadding then kantha stitched....

....stitched to cotton recycled indigo dyed fabric from my stash...

....used recycled, dyed cotton lace and pearl buttons to make fastening!

The last photo is probably the truest colour, so difficult to take good photos in the grey light!!

I am going to embellish these three and make a small wall hanging, at least that is the plan!!!

Another project, indigo fabric, sheer indigo/magnesium fabric, shells , beads and a variety of threads to make a mixed media picture....

....last but not least, my sister gave me this and I LOVE IT !!!

Another busy week coming up including a visit to an exhibition at the V&A.

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Felting, More Experiments with Indigo, Bookmarks....

17th November 2018

I have had a busy and very enjoyable week and also managed some crafting....

...found 3 pieces of hand painted silk in my stash which I did a few years ago and have never used so clamped one piece, using plastic discs from chair floor protectors, with my new heavy duty clamps....

.....twisted and secured....

...wrapped around a tube...

....the results!

Another silk scarf twisted and secured...


Wrapping and clamping small cotton squares....


I have noticed the indigo vat is producing a much paler colour after  a week but still interesting!

More bookmarks, this time using my own dyed fabrics, back and front are different...

...made a mat using fleece, silk and my embellisher, the edges were a bit 'flimsy' so folded over small amounts of fleece all round the edge and embellished which produced a slightly wavy edge, a total surprise but I rather like it!!!

My wonderful Anthropologie pot, a charity shop find, sitting on the mat, just need a plant now!!!

Last but not least my Certificate, shame I tripped over my poles on my last walk in Richmond Park!!!!

Monday, 12 November 2018

Indigo Dyeing, Leaf Hammering, Bookmarks and Mug Mats !!!

12th November 2018

I have had a great weekend with my creative friend Jo, my first weekend visitor. The weather was mixed but we did manage two walks and create using some of the fantastic leaves that are all around us at the moment.....

Jo collected a variety of leaves, a length of washed cotton fabric, a cutting mat and hammer and produced this beautiful piece of fabric! 

First sample, the left image has some stitching.


I made up a small Indigo Vat and dyed a couple of samples...

...washed cotton, folded and stitched over the fold using double thread...

....pulled tight...

....few minutes in the vat and I am pleased with the result!

....this pattern was made by concertina folding the fabric and securing tightly with 4 elastic bands...

....I am going to experiment with a variety of fabrics and resists this week.

Our craft group have also been making samples and these will be shared on Wednesday, hope I remember to take photos!


Finished and mounted my beach scene...

....made Mug Mats using pieces of my eco/rusted fabrics..

....and some Bookmarks using embroidered ribbon from my stash....

...a very productive and enjoyable week.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Making a pin cushion in a pewter find!

4th November 2018

Another week with lots of sunshine and only one or two showers,amazing for November!!

Also wonderful cloud formations.


I bought this little cup and saucer pin cushion in March and last week accidentelly knocked it off my work table, so cross with myself!! 

Earlier this week I was mooching around charity shops and found a little pewter container, very dirty, for £3 and decided to make myself a new, unbreakable pin cushion...

....I cleaned the outside with soapy water and polished with a dry soft cloth, poured a little PVA glue in the base...

....wrapped a small ball of wire wool in fleece and needle felted...

....kept adding fleece and felting until the container was full...

.....I love it!!!


Added more stitching to my beach scene but still think it needs more detail...

....stitched some flowers on organza and soluble film in metallic gold thread...

....cut them out with my soldering iron but haven't used them yet!!


Made a card for my lovely daughter, printed on linen and stitched using back stitch..

....bought this great book earlier in the year and as I pre-ordered it had the felt free...

....guess what I am making!


I have set up a craft group in my new community and was telling the group how exciting Indigo Shibori was and showed them these samples from a couple of years ago...

....this is my favourite and took longer to unpick than it did to stitch, decided to mount them on Khadi paper then a canvas frame to put on my wall. I really want to do a lot more and have been searching Pinterest for ideas.


Lastly had a play with paints and my Gelli plate, great fun and have lots of bright coloured papers for any mixed media work I want to do!

This week is busy, eye tests, dentist for a broken back tooth, a trip to London Zoo with my gorgeous Alba and next weekend my crafting friend from Blackpool is coming to visit!