
Saturday, 23 January 2016


23rd January 2016

Wallace and Grommit made by the very talented Wilma...

.....Karen doing a great job with the pompom bunting....

....Martina with her amazing and unique creations....

...more of Martina's work...

...enid made the sunflower and bee....

....Sue covered an old wheelbarrow...

....Wilma's hedgehogs ...

....and owls in the trees...

....Marie and RD did a great job attaching bunting...

.....busy bees...

.....some of my crochet strips...

....lots of pompoms and dream catchers...

....Sylvia and Enid...

.....the sun even tried to come out!!!!

Sunday, 17 January 2016

KEW GARDENS on a cold and frosty morning....

17th January 2016

Went to Kew Gardens this morning, I love this place....

...frozen lake...

....gulls on the ice...

....gulls and ducks squabbling over bread thrown by children...

...water droplets...

Syon House across the river...

....Sunday rowers..

....frost damaged Camelia...

...looking up in the Minka House...

...snow on the thatched roof...

...Oriental Plane...


.....beautiful snow drops...

....Eucalyptas shedding bark...

....ready for a hot chocolate in the Orangery... this wallhanging design..

....such a lovely way to spend a Sunday morning.....