
Friday, 28 February 2014

More Dyeing and Quilting

28th February 2014

I tried some tie dye on calico, I twisted a length of calico then knotted it randomly..... really pleased with the result and think I will use blue next time. 

Finished quilting the butterfly panel, it takes a while and lots of thread but I do like the result...


When I retired I joined a Friends of the Park Group and last night at a Civic Trust dinner we were awarded Best Community Group for all the work that has been done to improve the park. 
We were all really thrilled!!!

Sorry for the poor quality of the photo!

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

A Variety of Quilted Squares

26th February 2014

Gardening in the park this morning then quilting some more squares ready for applique....

 ....ready for the boat...

...I tried vermicelli for the first time ( sorry about the photo! )...

....ready for the star.

Results of my jar dyeing....



...I love these patterns, might use some for my 'Prairie Points' in Unit 6.

Lastly I made a card with my recycled thread fabric as the background and soldering iron cut organza flowers with beads...

...again not a very good photo!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

More Quilting on the Caterpillar Panel

25th February 2014

I have spent a couple of hours this morning free machining around the caterpillar and am so glad I decided to do this as I think it looks much better.....

...really like the texture and 'movement' effect.

The result of my dyeing....

Not quite sure how I am going to use it for a book cover. 
The 'dotty' effect is from the flower design in the fabric as I used a table cloth from the charity shop. 

Now we have to take Jack to the vet for his booster and kennel cough injection. It is really STRESSFUL as he has to be muzzled for the vet's safety and it takes 3 of us to hold him!!

Will let you know how we get on tomorrow!

Monday, 24 February 2014

Dyeing and Experimenting with the Play-mat Squares

24th February 2014

I have been worrying about the play-mat squares, in fact woke in the night and couldn't go back to sleep!

I decided to quilt the squares before I added the applique shapes, forgot to take a photo!

I then cut out a simple moon and apple shape from fabric backed with Bondaweb.

Then I decided to iron these onto a fine wadding so the ridges from the quilted square wouldn't show through!

Next stitched in place using satin stitch......

..quite pleased with the result although a little fiddly!

I also added stitching to the sun motif.... happier with this.

Now I will have to unpick the caterpillar and butterfly panels at the edges and quilt around the shapes.

I feel so much more positive about my project now.

I also wanted some purple shaded fabric so more experimenting....

...I painted procion dye along the top of the wet fabric, diluted then painted another row, then used purple fabric paint on the lower part...


Love these shades...

...but not so good when dry!!!

So I made a new batch of purple procion and folded the fabric and placed some in the tray of dye...

..over about an hour I eased more fabric into the tray to try to grade the colour...

...rinsed and wet...

...not quite what I had in mind!! Will have to see the result when dry.

As I had dye left I diluted in varying degrees into 4 plastic beakers and added calico and muslin to each..

...results tomorrow!

Lastly, I tried the stepper and lasted only 1 minute before my thighs complained!!!

I prefer Pilates!

Sunday, 23 February 2014

One Finished Project

23rd February 2014

The finished project is this...

...hope it fits and do hope she likes it!!

My ongoing project....

...quilted, puffy butterfly, at this point I am wondering whether my idea was a good one!! 
Only time will tell.....

....the last item on this short post is this...'s a stepper that my husband purchased from the charity shop, wondering if he is trying to tell me something, he keeps asking if I have 'had a go' on it !!!!!!

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Quilted play-mat:: The Beginning!!!

22nd February 2014

It was a beautiful morning here so went for a long beach walk......

...interesting clouds....

...a starfish washed up...

...lots of shells today and froth from the waves....

...brought this heart shaped pebble home...

...Jack went for a paddle!

Yesterday I had a great 'brainstorming session' with my friend Jo from Thoughtful Threads. It was really good to bounce ideas around and so today I made a start on my quilted play-mat.

I began with a small square....

..I backed the yellow fabric with Bondaweb, traced the sun design and cut out...

...ironed on the blue cotton....

...and stitched, I love this puffy sun!

I had lots of problems stitching around the edge, tried free motion and small zigzag but the thread kept breaking and some of the stitches didn't 'catch' so changed the thread, slightly better, changed the needle, but still very frustrating-swore a bit- then tried with the feed dogs up and it was great!!

I can just see little fingers poking the puffy sun!!

Then decided to make a start on the caterpillar panel for the reverse side....

I cut double wadding in the shape of the caterpillar, pinned and stitched the segments to secure....

I then placed and stitched a square of wadding behind the panel and stitched around the body with a close zigzag, then restitched the segments with a very thin satin stitch which gave a really puffy effect-just what I wanted.....

...finally I free machined the feet, antenna and eyes resulting in a segmented quilted caterpillar, this time the free machining worked perfectly!!!

Only 23 small squares to be appliqued and stitched and the butterfly panel on the reverse side. I think/know this project is going to take me quite a while!!!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Quick Update

20th February 2014

The postman delivered this today...

..Minerva crafts have a half price offer on New Look until the 8th March so thought this looked both  simple and versatile.

Anybody would think I didn't have enough to do!!!!

I also tried out my ideas for the reversible play-mat, have pinned it and will have another look tomorrow.....

...this is the reverse side and the colours are so vibrant.

Next I started sewing up 'the cardi'....

...I love the knitting but am not so keen on sewing together!!!

Can't wait to do some applique and quilting stitching on my project tomorrow....

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Experimenting with Quilting without Wadding!

19th February 2014

I have had a great day!

This morning I was in our local park helping to tidy our sensory beds. The sun came out and was so warm on my back..... lovely to see colour...

..planters in the bowling green area....

...the shadow lines are made by the bowling green fencing.

Then I had a quick visit to the fabric shop....

...bought these for my play-mat project!

Next I decided to try quilting just using fabrics and no wadding...

I chose a rusted scrim for the pattern on the top layer and silk, muslin and hand dyed cotton and tea dyed velvet.....

..... stitched around the marks made on my rusted scrim in free motion straight and satin....

...cut top layers away to reveal the lovely orange cotton...

...and finally free machined around the shapes ( I actually stitched through my finger for the first time ever while I was doing this-not recommended! ), luckily no blood dripped on the fabric!!

It was much more 'dense' using these fabrics instead of wadding and my top thread kept breaking but I am fairly pleased with the result and also with the new threads I purchased in London.

I have just arrived home from a visit to the cinema (Orange wednesday) and the dinner is cooking while I write this blog. We went to see The Monuments Men and really enjoyed it!! 

Now enjoying a glass of red... CHEERS!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

More Preparation!

18th February 2014

The last two days my head has been a JUMBLE of thoughts!!

Can't seem to get my act together at all although I have really tried!

Not a lot to report, fruitcake made for a special person's special birthday, now on edging for my daughter's cardi/jacket (just hope I have enough yarn), tried to walk the dog but he kept digging in with his back legs and refused to go to the beach,  washing, ironing, changing beds, cleaning......

..when I write it down I have achieved quite a lot but it isn't very CREATIVE!!!

I made a card...

....and started preparing very simple sketches for the play-mat...

....all for now, hope I get my buzz back soon!!

Sunday, 16 February 2014


16th February 2014

It was wonderful to see the sun today and have a beach walk.... many pebbles after the storm....

... and sadly many birds washed up on the beach....

..Jack enjoyed a paddle... did the occupants of the pony and trap.

I made a small piece of 'fabric' using some of my thread waste by stitching it between two pieces of dissolvable fabric....

.....dissolvable washed away...

...think I might use it on a card for somebody special!

Next made a start on my quilted play-mat....

...I cut out 24 squares ready for applique and quilting. I feel quite nervous at this point and wonder whether my idea will work!!!!

I have also knitted some more of my daughter's cardi/jacket, only right front and border left to do-hope it fits and that she likes it!!

Must focus on Unit 6 next week.....