
Sunday, 2 February 2014

Lino Stamp Printing and Stitching

2nd February 2014

Two more transfer printed fabrics...

..this is using a fern as a resist...

...daffodil repainted and transferred onto a shaded background ready for stitching.

Next played with my new 'toy' ...

..first I drew half a shape along the fold in the tracing paper...

..traced on the back and opened out..

...traced onto the lino....

and started shaving away...

....sponged bronze metallic fabric paint onto the lino cut and printed...

as the stamp had smudged along the top edge I backed with Bondaweb and cut and ironed onto another piece of fabric. 9Also trimmed the stamp)

This was appliqued with free motion satin stitch in a variegated thread...

....backed with a fine wadding and then quilted in a circular stitch...

..I messed up the photo when I was editing!!!

Think maybe I should have used a much paler thread for the quilting!

Stamped on two other fabrics to show other ways of quilting...

..but that will have to wait as I am off to London tomorrow to catch up with the family and buy some fabric and maybe threads!!

Will keep you posted....

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