
Thursday, 10 October 2013

Petal Stitching

10th October 2013

Just a quick update today!

Pilates this morning and I know I am going to feel certain muscles tomorrow!!!

I then started stitching the petals and realised I would need more thread. It took an hour to find a parking space and buy threads.

These are the threads I have used so far but will be doing a little more shading tomorrow when I look again with 'fresh eyes'.

I really experimented using double threads, twin needle and single thread to give a variety of texture and shade. I was pleasantly surprised to see the effect of the stitching on the petals as it caused the edges, which were satin stitched, to curve and seemed to make the petals look more realistic-I hope!!

I want to complete the shading tomorrow and stitch the backing fabric and I think I may sponge print some scrim for a couple of leaves, this is what I meant by saying I can't make a definite plan and stick to it!!

1 comment:

  1. The stitching has really brought the flower to life. It seems to have movement. I LOVE it!
