
Sunday 13 October 2013

Craft Fair!!!!

13th October 2013

I am sitting in my kitchen with a lovely glass of red!!

I was at the craft Fair venue this morning at 8.50 waiting for the doors to open.

I left at 3.30 and just took enough money to pay for my stall!!

However I met some lovely people, Rebecca makes fantastic 'cup cake' candles that smell wonderful and Martina, who knits lovely toys and Mollie who makes jewellery from crystal beads. The quiet day allowed for lots of chat, so much talent in such a small place and all working for less than £1 hour!! We must be mad but we are all passionate about our crafts.

I used my time well, finishing my 'logo' for the cover on my sample book by sewing beads onto the grey letters......

and making a little robin with Merino Fleece for the Christmas Tree....

I had wanted to needle felt in 3D for a while, so today gave me the time, and visitors to the fair were really interested  especially the children. I enjoyed this new experience but had to really concentrate or I missed the fleece and stabbed myself!!

The result, a tiny robin with googly bead eyes!!

Believe it or not this took one and a half hours!! but I enjoyed it. 

Tomorrow back to Unit 4!


  1. There is so much labour in that little robin I feel he out to be named. x

  2. I hadn't realised that the robin took so long perhaps my idea of a mobile was a bit impracticable. Enjoyed seeing you both today, when I win lots of money you will have enough orders to keep you busy for a long time. Your work is so beautiful.

  3. Any name suggestions for my little robin??

  4. I love your robin!!!! And I am VERY pleased to see that a glass of red featured in your day...

  5. How about Holly for a name, not very original but it does look like a holly berry, or Berry!
    Am still working on other names!!!
