
Friday, 7 June 2013

Update without photos!

7th June 2013

This weather is so wonderful, I can't remember the last time I said that!

Yesterday I couched various yarns on my sketch book cover ( I will post all photos when it is completed ) and today free machined and cut fabric away and generally had a very enjoyable couple of hours. 

Then I went to visit my friend Joanne with dyes, fabrics and stamps. We spent a brilliant 2 hours,  mostly in the garden experimenting with spraying various fabrics. I love spraying dyes as the end result is always a surprise. Joanne tried wetting and scrunching the calico before spraying and the results were stunning. I am afraid we were so caught up in the project we forgot to take photos!! We also sprayed silk paints and dyes on white cotton velvet (idea from Angie Hughes dvd) When it is dry it is sprayed with black ink, then bleach is dabbed on a wooden stamp and pressed on the fabric which should reveal the colours beneath, sounds really exciting-we will have to see if it works!! I will let you know or even remember to take photos. 

Must go now and make dinner.

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