
Sunday, 9 June 2013

Sketch book cover

 9th June 2013

Another beautiful day, I love this weather!

I have been working on my cover over the past few weeks. I have really enjoyed the process of using all the new skills from my course.

Please excuse the quality of my photos in this posting!!

I began by spraying 2 pieces of calico with dyes and a little bleach. One piece I wet and crumpled then pressed it over the other piece and used this for the lining.

When I realised handling the dyed fabric coloured my hands I decided to use a fine scrim cloth over the top! As I wanted to see some of my fabric I cut out  leaf shapes in the scrim and the fabric revealed dictated the colours of threads and yarns for the project.

Satin stitch to bind the shape edge then cable stitch in green Perla thread.

As I wanted a slightly quilted effect I placed the fabric on medium wadding and continued to stitch.

A twin needle was used in programmed feather stitch (one of my favourites) with green and variegated thread. Free machining leaf veins and pattern in spaces and couching various textured yarns.

Finished cover.

Cover on sketch book with ties made from plaited wool twine.

1 comment:

  1. This looks great! It's so fascinating to read about the process and see a piece like this develop.
