
Sunday, 15 September 2013

Holes, Ice Dyed Fabrics and Shrink Polyester

15th September 2013

First the results of my ice dyeing using lemon yellow, scarlet and magenta Procion powders.

                                                    I folded and twisted the fabric

scrunched it

twisted it

and scrunched again. 

Not quite sure what I am going to do with it!!

Apologies for the poor photos!

I then used my soldering iron to make a variety of holes in my 3 layers of organza then stitched it to my dyed linen which I fringed.

I 'cut' a number of long holes and selected a variety of orange yarns from my stash and did some weaving.

Again I cut long holes and stitched 4 pieces together for texture and holes.

Triangular holes and texture 

I think some of these ideas could be used on a larger scale.

My last 'play' of the day was using some Shrink Polyester that I bought from Jan Tillett at the Quilts Show in Birmingham. Needless to say my first attempt didn't quite match her samples! I used a small piece of sponge printed muslin and a piece of 'rusted' silk pinning them to the Shrink Polyester.

                                             Bags by Jan Tillett using this method....

I used my wavy line programmed stitch in variegated thread

and then very lightly steamed the back and this is the result...

It has a puffed effect but think the result would have been better with more space between the rows.

I had so much trouble trying to free machine the silk, the thread kept breaking so I finally used a programmed stitch.

A lot of texture because I had used a number of stitches.

Lots of experimenting with some results more pleasing than others....

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to seeing all your work for real in the near future, I am sure that the photo's don't really do them justice. Such a talented lady.
