
Friday, 13 September 2013

A Busy Day

13th September 2013

I started the day ice dyeing as I wanted some orange/red fabrics. I used Procion powder Magenta, Scarlet and Lemon Yellow and hope the results are pleasing to the eye!! Results tomorrow...

Next I played with my soldering iron-just couldn't resist! I placed 6 layers of organza on the glass and heat cut a rectangle using a metal ruler for the straight edge.

I then made a template and made holes then placed the cut out over the holes and the result was .....


I then made a diagram of a logo for the cover of my sampler book.

For the square background I used grey and white woven satin ribbon...

I then used my soldering iron to cut 2 layers of grey lining fabric around my ID template and pinned in place....

The 'dots' on the white satin squares are made using grey metallic thread and french knots.

Finally I used satin stitch to attach the logo.

I hope to finish the cover this weekend.


  1. Now that's what I call 'Using a range of techniques'. well done to you. I love your logo.

  2. Thank you, I'm not sure whether to embroider on the letters.
