
Saturday, 23 November 2013

A Walk Along the Promenade

23rd November 2013

Happy weekend!

I am delighted to report that my page views for this blog are now 5040!!

It would be great to hear from you, especially from China, Ukraine, USA and Australia and discover how you found my blog!

I have had a busy couple of days on secret Christmas projects which I will share in the New Year.

I walked along the promenade to Blackpool this morning, a gentle breeze, the tide was on the way in making lovely designs on the beach and the smell of bacon was wafting from the hotels!!

The sky was so beautiful I thought I would share my photos with you.....

..facing south...

..and west


  1. The colours and cloud patterns were so beautiful.
    I have found since starting my course I have become much more aware of colour and shape. It's great!
