
Saturday, 25 October 2014

Busy Two Days!!

25th October 2014

Yesterday the 'Friends of the Park' were invited to attend the local high school as part of their work on regeneration of the area. We took our information board and some samples of our yarn bombing project...

....our boards about the regeneration of the park in the last 8 years....

....and future plans...

....a sample of the yarn bombing to show we need lots more flowers!!!

The school is a new build on the site of the old secondary school...

...lots of natural light...

....very modern

My fruit soaking in brandy ready for my Christmas cake.


Made some cards from my printed papers.


 Yarn bombing group at Tesco community room, two new youngsters today...
.....pompom making...

...this little lady learnt how to knit...

....and this little lady made pompoms and decorated fir cones!

It is great for the children to be involved.


Making my Christmas cake tomorrow and finishing my secret project!

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