
Monday, 13 October 2014

A Walk on the Beach and Gelli Printing

13th October 2014

I have missed the sea while I have been away... the colours.....

.....and patterns made by the JCB while filling the gully at the bottom of the steps so that you can reach the beach....

.....the print of my new boots..

.....JCB tyres.... can just see the hills of the Lake District in the distance....

.....sea creeping up the beach, love the sound of the waves breaking.


Gelli Plate printing using leaves and wooden blocks....

....this was made using a fern leaf...

....I pressed the cotton fabric on the plate, peeled it off then pressed paper on the plate, fabric is on the right.

Background papers made by cleaning the roller and blocks, great fun!

Off to York tomorrow as RD is collecting a part for one of his bikes.

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