
Tuesday, 7 October 2014

A Trip to the Foundling Museum and Covent Garden

7th October 2014

Wet and windy this morning so I did a little crochet.....

....1st attempt at the ripple pattern from Lucy Attic 24 blog, not quite right....

......6th attempt, seems ok... I am going to practise by making a long strip for the park project!

The sun came out so  went to The Foundling Museum by tube.....

...the rain had enhanced the colour of the fallen leaves.

This building is the original hospital for foundlings.

When I went in I was delighted to have to give proof that I was over 60 for a concession ticket, made my day!!!!

Thomas Coram was the founder....

.....some facts follow, apologies for the photo quality but everything was behind glass with spotlights everywhere!!

......there was a large display of these tokens.....

....if anybody came to claim a child they had to describe the token as new names were given to all children when they entered the hospital.

Uniform for the girls...

...and boys, looked like woollen fabric.. of the original beds, two to a bed I think!

On the 2nd floor there was an exhibition of work by Handel who was a governor of the Foundling Hospital and was generous with his donations.


Sat in the sun in the Brunswick Park to eat my picnic lunch....

.....this horse chestnut tree was HUGE....

...lovely gardens looked after by volunteers.

I went to Covent Garden on my way home, it was buzzing with tourists and street performers...

....inside one of the arcades....

...loved these old paving slabs.

I am not exactly sure what this is, think maybe an art installation and it has Londoners puzzled!

The top of the building seems to be 'floating' above the bottom...





Off to Alexandra Palace for the Knitting and Stitching Show tomorrow.....

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