
Thursday, 26 June 2014

Another Postcard!

26th June 2014

I made another postcard today for a swap and remembered to take a photo this time!

I used grey felt as a base for embellishing the background.... machining details, then hand embroidery.... enjoyed playing!!

Posted it and hope my postcard swap partner likes it!


Last night at the meeting for our park friends group I was asked to organise the yarn bomb as I was the one who suggested it!!!

I put out a request for help from my Creative group and was thrilled by the response!!

If any reader of this blog would like to contribute I would be delighted!!


It is the centenary of our park next year and we are working hard to achieve Green Flag Status, all very exciting!!


I made two pieces of brightly coloured felt today so I can cut out flower shapes, much quicker than knitting!!

...these were both made with oddments...

...will show the cut out flowers next week....

...also this was the remains of the net I used to 'trap the bits of fleece'....

...think I can make white flowers from this instead of binning it!!!


I am off to Woolfest tomorrow, so excited!!!!

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