
Tuesday, 20 January 2015

A Fun Day Dyeing!!

20th January 2015

I have spent a brilliant day with my friend Jo, playing with a variety of fabrics and Procion dyes...

....we were like a couple of children ooooing and aahhing at the fantastic colours and designs we produced....

...these were my pots....

Jo was much more adventurous!

A wet piece of fabric sprinkled with Procion powder...

....and then finely sprayed...

....we made the mistake of rinsing it instead of letting the fabric dry!

Didn't want to waste the dye from the pots so used it to space dye a variety of fabrics, scrim, cotton, calico, textured cotton, velvet and muslin...

...results from our big session....

....fascinating to see how the different fabrics respond, love the muted colours from the scrim and the designs on the velvet....

....not sure what we will do with them but we had both forgotten how exciting it is to play with dyes!!

Yesterday I went through my WIP box and found this hessian from months ago, I had pulled threads and woven wool, sari silks and textured threads...

.....decided to couch more threads etc and machine satin stitch in a variegated thread and it is going back in the box while I decide what to do next!


Also called in to see a friend who sells some of my cards in her boutique and she had sold 5 which made my day!!!

Arrived home to find a postcard from the swap.... awful photo due to the light but the colours just shout SPRING and a lot of thought had gone into the making of this postcard.....

.... so I have had a BRILLIANT DAY!

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