
Saturday, 3 August 2013

Cards and a Kindle Cover

3rd August 2013

My first task of the day was to tidy and put away all the bits and pieces I have used this week as the pile was ready to topple. I now have a clear table but for how long I wonder!!

Then I made 9 bamboo mats in various sizes ready for a wet felting class. That is the idea I'm working on. Wet felting and needle felting can be done while having a good chat as it requires 'elbow grease' rather than concentration!

I was really pleased with the number of mats I made as they came from a big bamboo blind that I bought in the charity shop for just £5. I had paid £4  for my small mat in a sale.
 A good start to the day.

While tidying my pile I came across my packet of dried flowers and grasses so made some cards using the printed handmade papers from earlier in the week.

Then I made a Kindle cover from the felt I made on Thursday.

I am now going for a long walk, enjoy your weekend.

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