
Sunday, 19 April 2015

A Walk in the Park....

19th April 2015

A busy morning, washing, ironing and preparing dinner....

.....then took Jack for a walk in Stanley Park....

....loved the shape of this tree and blossom....

.....don't know what this is but the leaves are gorgeous...

.....again not sure of the name but so pretty...

......a Moorhen nest near the fallen tree in the lake....

....another, love these floating nests...

.....these are the first bluebells I have seen, made me smile...

....these are Heron's nests on a little island in the lake....

....can you see the Herons on their nests??

There was a serious photographer with a very long lens camera and he was thrilled to be here, said it was the best place in the country to observe and photograph Herons, he very kindly showed me some of the photos he had taken...AMAZING!!! Also said the Moorhens were very brave to build their nests so near the Heron colony as the Herons will feed on their chicks!!


Walking back to the car these fresh, green leaves looked so good against the ominous sky.


Made this collage when I arrived home using onion/indigo dyed fabrics/silks and machine embroidery....

.....I have got the proportions wrong, sand dunes should be larger and sea smaller, but enjoyed the task and am going to frame with two other seascapes.

Must make the dinner now.....

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