
Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Suffolk Puffs, Dorset Buttons and Stencilling

30th July 2014

Another amazing day... walk from the bus to school this morning...

 we learnt how to make a Suffolk Puff (not a cake!)...

......used some of my indigo muslin, small running stitches around the edge and padding circles inserted....

.....then stitches gathered and secured....

......a Dorset Button made by stitching blanket stitch around a curtain ring and working the centre by weaving the 'spokes'. I used 4 strands of silk thread. This can be made in any size and any thread.

My first attempt at stencilling, I need lots of practise!!!!

More indigo dyeing on silk noil...

....and threads and silk strips for weaving and couching.


Walked home through Oxford, such beautiful buildings....

...a college garden...

...and even some yarn bombing!!!


When I arrived back at my B&B Katherine took me to see The Turrill Sculpture Garden.....

....ceramic bird bath...

...water feature...

....such a beautiful setting for these wonderful works of art!


Another wonderful day learning new skills, time is going too quickly!!!

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