
Wednesday, 2 July 2014

My First Felted Wallhanging!!

2nd July 2014

Prompt 2 today was:- If all the world were chocolate......

...this was my response but that simple statement affected how I saw the world around me all day!

It was park morning and we needed to water as the ground is so very dry.  Enid, my fellow volunteer, managed to fix up the hose and we unravelled it and I volunteered to water the beds. It was slow as initially the water just 'rolled off' the soil! As I was doing this I really had a chance to see all the plants, take in their colours and shapes and admire their beauty!

This doesn't happen when I am on my knees weeding!

The poppies are lovely, buds, flowers and seed heads... 

....but red are still my favourite....

                                                                 ....I really love this smell sensory bed.....

rosemary, mint and lilac, they all looked brighter for the 'drink'...

...on arriving home I did some dead heading.....

....then had a little embellish!

This is the result of yesterdays embellishing....

.....the twig is driftwood and I needle felted then embellished....

......made the loop around the twig by plaiting fleece.....

...I think it may need something more but not sure what! 

It is hanging in my hall, my very first wallhanging and it makes me smile!!!

Soooo glad I bought my embellisher!
From the prompt I really appreciated all the beautiful colours and have had a good day, thank you Myfanwy!

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