
Tuesday, 1 July 2014

First Day of the Summer Journal

1st July 2014

Happy July!

The Summer Journal began today with the prompt:- take 5 min and listen

I sat on the swing seat in my back garden feeling the sun on my face. Closed my eyes and listened to distant traffic, rustling leaves and blackbirds who have nested in our ivy hedge. It was so peaceful, the sun was warm, the colours, shapes, movement of flowers and shrubs made this a 15 minute sit and I realised how lucky I am to be retired!

My husband made these raised beds....

...and planted tomatoes in the top basket...

....and beautiful fuscia in the lower.

I think I may have misread part of the prompt and painted my journal page with dark purple.....

....wrote my thoughts in a white Tippex pen... going to brighten the page with some flowers I pressed today as this looks far too depressing!!


At 7.30am, before the prompt, I was walking on the promenade.....

...not a cloud in the sky and I could feel the heat of the sun on my back, a great way to start the day!!


Next made some little note cards using my own silk paper and pressed flowers.....

...think I may put them in packs in my shop as they would make a useful gift.


I felt the urge to use my embellisher....

...I think Myfanwy calls this 'snippet soup' on her DVD, lots of waste threads, fleece and fabric...

....covered with net to tack in place then worked into the felt...


....such a fun way of using scrap bits, I will probably make some small bunting with this.

While I was at the table I felted a piece of cream pre-felt with blue fleece, then made some braids with some more fleece... will have to wait and see the finished creation!!!!

I also managed to do some knitting and have nearly finished my book, so all in all a very enjoyable day!

Now going to have a glass of red and make the meal.....

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