
Sunday, 21 October 2018

Making Small Quilts -inspired by my book from Deborah O;Hare

21st October 2018

Just had a great weekend!

Yesterday went with my neighbour to see her new allotment, a lot of work needs doing before planting can begin and I would love to help. I am good at weeding!!!

Made a couple of small quilts from ideas by Deborah O'Hare....

...the backgrounds were from her book and the rest was me! Free machining and appliqué....

...a glorious warm few days...

...started another small quilt using indigo dyed silk for the sky and painted bondaweb on calico for the beach...

....machine stitching...

...the threads I used, silk and variegated...

.....hand stitching, shells and beads added, just need some more free machining to complete.


Printed some fabric for the back of my Shibori Indigo Kantha stitched cushions.


My daughter came for lunch with Alba today and we walked to Richmond Park, just 5 minutes from my flat, saw so many deer, a wonderful sight!!!

Another busy week ahead and I have a special card to make for a 50th Anniversary.

Updates mid week hopefully!!

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