I have been doing lots of knitting and hand stitching while listening to audio books and watching Netflix!!
Finished a baby blanket, a very simple pattern which I can do while watching i-player/Netflix ......
....started another blanket using cotton/bamboo yarn which is lovely to use. This pattern has proved fairly challenging and I have to be in a quiet room on my own or I make a mistake and have had to undo about 6 times!! It will not beat me.
I haven't used my machine for ages so decided to use thread cut offs and dissolvable fabric to make a new fabric, not sure what I am going to use it for but I enjoyed making it.
In March I am going to Cornwall again for a course with the lovely Anne Griffiths. The theme is Gardens so lots of scope to use my love of trees, flowers and leaves.
I am going to use this embroidery for the cover of a handmade book. The backing fabric was an experiment using my embellisher, I wasn't very happy with the result so added scrim and stitch, then saw this idea on Pocketmouse (Anne's site ) and have really enjoyed the very slow process of 'slow stitching flowers', added buttons and beads and am fairly pleased with the result.
I printed this fabric and used the leaf design to practice my free machining a long time ago, decided to add some hand stitching in variegated perle thread, think this will be the back cover.
Hopefully will make the cover and pages tomorrow, watch this space.....
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