
Sunday, 3 May 2015

The Blue Bowl....

3rd May 2015

I am so thrilled with the blue bowl.....
....from above....

.....upside down.....

.....the side.... is firmer than the previous bowl, larger and no big holes!!!

Unfortunately I have used all my soluble fabric so can't make another today!


My 100th 'liker' on my  ID Designs Facebook shop asked me to make her a 21st card....

....I used my own felt, french knots and beads, just hope the recipient liked it!!!

Made another poppy card using felt, organza and beads....

...with purple and pink flowers..

.....two skeleton leaves stitched onto silk tissue paper....

....a new design, using stitched felt from last week, I made a poppy template, cut with a soldering iron and stitched detail using beads.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend....

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