
Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Decorating Papers....

4th March 2015

Goodness this week is flying by!!!

Today I decided to decorate some papers to make book covers....

....I was looking through my course sketchbooks and found these pages....

.....decorated papers with wax resist....

.....took a large sheet of white paper and drew lines using oil pastels....

.....smeared with my finger in a circular motion....

.....printed with a metallic turquoise using the fan brush...

.....when dry colour washed with blue....

....the wash was thicker than I intended!!!

Think I might have to add some metallic silver tomorrow!


A session in the park this morning trimming the edges of the sensory beds and some weeding.... this twisted willow, spot the catkins...

.....Enid and Avril busy.... 

.....lots of new growth on the shrubs....

.....daffodils and crocuses are beginning to flower....

....SPRING is such an uplifting season.....

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