
Thursday, 12 March 2015

A Day Out in London!

12th March 2015

Yesterday was my sister's birthday so we went into London, walked along the Southbank....

...such a beautiful day...

.....went in to see the Sheila Hicks Exhibition...

....loved the colours and textures...

.....these were just like large cushions....

...close up, threads, fleece etc loosely bound...

......all these weavings were framed but I had to take 'sideways' photos because of the lighting.... the razor shells in this...

...really liked this very open weave...

...close up of the circles, lovely effect....

...came away with some ideas to try!


....St Paul's....

....these were individual pots of Gerbera being given away for Mother's Day.... sister..... fooling with a Calendar Girl pose!

The tide was out and we watched the sand sculptors....

....and musicians....

....arrived at Tate Modern....

...this huge structure was in the main hall, see how tiny the people look!

We went to see the exhibition of work by Marlene Dumas, my sister was really moved by her work but I found it disturbing!


Walked to the War Museum... see the exhibition Fashion on the Ration, really interesting but no photos allowed.

The 'make do and mend' slogan from war time is coming back again!


Ended the evening with all our children at a great Burger restaurant called Brysons... 

such a brilliant day, slept well last night!

Off to Cornwall tomorrow so watch this space!!!

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