
Wednesday, 31 August 2016

More Playing on my Embellisher...

31st August 2016

A busy couple of days, my Dyson vacuum motor died and so did my Vax! 

Replaced both yesterday and my carpet is so clean now!!

I have to lock Jack in the kitchen when the vac is out as he attacks it, told you he was weird!

A piece of handmade felt and cotton scrim....

....embellished from the back, gives a lovely muted effect...

....I bought a packet of recycled silk threads at a show a long time ago and added some to my embellished piece...

....embellished on the front this time, rather like the effect of the background, think this is asking for stitch...

....another small piece of felt, silk and silk scrim.... is placed on the backing felt... scrim on top....

...embellished  on front to secure fabrics...

....after embellishing from the back....

....more vibrant silk added... scrim frayed, another wanting stitch...

....this time the base is tea dyed velvet, silk threads and organza..

....embellished from the back which gives a wonderful texture from the velvet...

.....organza trimmed away and more silk added and placed on linen scrim... machine so used embellisher to attach around the edge and frayed backing. Think I might hand embroider stems and leaves to make flowers.

Strips of eco dyed fabrics embellished onto cotton wadding... pleased with the effect of the embellisher on the cotton, again a good background fabric...

.....a friend gave me this strip of felt which is a factory strip off-cut...

....this was produced by embellishing the recycled silk onto the felt, another good background....

.....think some of these samples would be good on a greeting card...
.... watch this space....

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