
Sunday, 30 August 2015

Blackberry Picking.....

30th August 2015

Cloudy but pleasant here today so decided to go blackberry picking on our walk around the Devere Golf Course....
...RD with his tub in the middle of the brambles!!!

The biggest, juiciest were out of reach, need a pole with a hook to pull them down!

The rest of the walk was great, so many berries on the bushes and trees.....

....there were so many thistles, so pretty....

....I managed to capture the heron on the lake, standing so still, used my zoom....

...Jack decided to venture in....

.....our spoils...

.....and my twig and seed heads...

....RD is now making blackberry jam!!!

He has never made jam before but I found a very simple recipe on line!

Fingers crossed....


Yesterday we had a little sand castle competition in the park to celebrate the new boat and 10 tons of sand delivered by the council on Thursday and shifted by Gary, chairman of the friends group.....

....the sun came out and a good time was had by all, including parents!!

Must sterilise the jam jars, verdict tomorrow....

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