
Sunday, 23 August 2015

A Felt Case for my New Camera!

23rd August 2015

Very peculiar weather here in Blackpool, sun, high winds and now thunder and rain.....

....we managed a beach walk until the wind became too strong blowing the sand...... flying a kite....

.....lots of people paddling as the tide comes in.....

.....patterns made by the blowing sand...

.....arrived home and started to make a case for my new camera.....

.....decided to join two pieces of felt I had made ages ago with my embellisher....

.....cut out the felt....

.....then had to decide which side to use, decisions, decisions....

.....I have a huge box of buttons but couldn't find a suitable one!!

Made a Dorset Button.


Finally finished this top for my sister, hope her head isn't much bigger than mine or she won't be able to put it on!!!!!!

I really enjoyed doing this cable pattern.

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