Last Saturday I had a stall at the Twickenham craft fair, although the footfall was small it was lovely to chat to people who were interested in my work.....
...will definitely try again!
Had a quiet day on Monday listening to my audio book and working on this piece of indigo dyed hessian from 3 years ago! I had already pulled threads....
...did some weaving using a variety of yarns and threads...
....added shells and a braid of plaited yarn for texture...
.....couched hand dyed silk, simple stitches, more machined braids and lastly used my dyed silk rod to weave through. Rather like the result and it was so relaxing to do, it is now hanging on my craft room wall.
Made stamens for my lily using wire, tube beads and perle thread...
.....I thought I had finished but it doesn't look right so think I am going to add another lily or two and some leaves so still a work in progress!
....cut out a dress for my gorgeous granddaughter who loves to wear dresses, often with her wellies!!
I really enjoy doing simple Kantha stitching so have put many of my experimental scraps into a collage for a wall hanging, decided I didn't want the white background fabric showing so started again....
...ready to start stitching but have to tack first!
After a few cold, grey days the sun shone yesterday and Alba and I went to feed the ducks by the river.....
....we had used all our oats so Alba had an ice cream and we sat and watched, a lady nearby threw small pieces of ham and two herons flew over for these titbits, they weren't interested in anything else!!!
So lovely to sit quietly in the sun and watch.
The blossom is so very beautiful at the moment....
....another sunny day today so am off for a river walk then meeting my sister for coffee, a real treat.
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