Moved into my new flat on Monday so have been super busy sorting, unpacking and finding a place for everything!
Had a problem connecting the phone/WiFi so an engineer came round this morning to sort it out for me so I am up and running and writing this at the table in my new craft room!
The week at summer school flew by and I learnt so much, these are samples on Khadi paper and muslin as a base for collage....
....honesty, hydrangea petals, threads and paper scraps...
....this was my half A4 Khadi paper strip, collaged and painted using procion dyes and acrylic paint... A3 sheet collaged with papers and painted ready for folding and cutting....
....some of us in the group were out of our comfort zone using/mixing paint so Amanda gave us a demo....
.....need to practise and play to gain confidence.
I tore my Khadi strip....
....and free machined joining the pieces with Thermo Gauze, great for stitching on then ironed between baking parchment to 'dissolve' the gauze, liked my piece much better after stitching but will leave a bigger space between the pieces next time and also use less dense stitching to create a more lacy effect.
The other strip of Khadi was used as a landscape, lens tissue, tea-bag paper and threads for collage...
....torn in half....
....I will join these strips using Thermo Gauze and free machining vertically...
...and landscape (photo should be landscape!!)
A variety of threads placed randomly on Aqua Bond then covered in soluble film ready for free machining....
...another piece placing threads vertically, stitched and washed under warm running water, another rather dense piece, will try much less stitching next time for a lacy effect.
A variety of fibres and threads layered on pasted polythene and left to dry...
....close up, love the 'organic' look of this sample.
I used 2 threads through one needle which gave a good effect.

My landscape collage on muslin painted...
....and machine/hand stitched using a variety of threads...
...pleased with this result!
More of Amanda's samples awaiting stitch or in her sketch book... this colour palette...
....we had a 'show and tell' session on Friday afternoon where we looked at the groups work, such talented people....
...a folding book....
....I so enjoyed this course and have lots to do when I eventually have my machine back in my craft room.
The weather was glorious all week and one evening we went for a lovely river walk, a perfect end to a great day.
I am off to the NEC tomorrow for The Festival of Quilts to stock up on Khadi paper and variegated silk threads.....
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