
Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Anne's work is such an inspiration.....

6th March 2018

Beautiful morning here in Cornwall....

...we went to Truro to a fabulous fabric shop, such a lovely town with wonderful buildings and churches.

These are some of Anne Griffiths inspiring samples...

...hand made printing blocks in a random repeat pattern hand stitched...

...samples of heat gun, soldering iron....

....soldering iron on organza in layers, traced over a doily which is placed under glass...

...layering and cutting back samples.


Yesterday spread Gesso on calico then printed, some lovely textures achieved and can then be painted...

....I tried painting woven hemp, hessian and a fine stiffened scrim as samples, really useful in mixed media work... of my small prints using 2 erasers...

...using cut off erasers to make a textured stone wall... made 'organza type' fabric splodged with shades of grey acrylic..

....then printed...

.....and zapped with a heat gun which produced a great textured fabric.

Tea dyed the brick work background....

....made stamps using funky foam, will test them out tomorrow....

....such  lovely, enthusiastic people on this course, the week is going far too quickly!!

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