
Sunday, 3 December 2017

Sample from Eco Dyed Fabric and more playing!!

3rd December 2017

I have been fairly busy this week, some good sunshine days but a cold north wind....

.....I have caught up with friends in the park, litter picking this week, a walk and chat with my creative friend and a yarn bombing coffee afternoon...

....the wool fabric I eco dyed, using these threads to stitch around the outline of the leaves, on a cotton  wadding...

....just added extra stitch to one leaf...

....decided to outline shape with hand dyed threads and Kantha stitch...

....used only the left textured cotton thread and pleased with the result...

...this is going in my sample sketchbook.


More cards...

....decided to make a new 'fabric' using felt for the base...

....used my embellisher to add chiffon and gold yarn...

....ribbons and sari silk stitched on...

....quite pleased with these baubles, might make them into cards...

.....please feel free to add other suggestions!


These are my crochet circle/squares with a border ready for joining...

....lots more waiting for a border....

...really enjoyed making these while watching I-player....

.....hope you all have a good week x

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