
Monday, 24 July 2017

First Day at Oxford Summer School.....

24th July 2017

A brilliant first day with Angie Hughes....

.....started with a demonstration, coffee then printing....

....a thermo block was heated with an iron over baking parchment then it was pressed very firmly over a leaf (vein side up).....

...acrylic paint was dabbed on using a sponge....

....prints were made on calico...

....this was then overprinted with metallic gold...

....a different leaf....

...looks like a tree when printed....

....I am using these as samples for my sketchbook so  trying different methods on my sample...

.....a piece of Bondaweb cut to the block size was ironed on....

....foil was ironed onto the Bondaweb after the backing was removed, peeled off when cool...

...not too sure about the results!

A freezer paper resist was placed over another print...


Will try to remember tomorrow.

Next came the method for free machining a tree shape, calico was placed in a hoop then a circle was cut out of the fabric, using straight stitch a fan shape was stitched across the hole....

...I used variegated thread, the stitch was changed to zig-zag and the threads were joined at the base for the tree trunk then threads were joined with the zig-zag stitch to make the branches. I really want need to practice this skill...

...the tree is cut away from the calico...

....and made into a printing block...

......for a background.

This will have a stencilled leaf design, machine/hand stitching to create more colour and texture.

I already have a cushion design in mind to make after the course.

So looking forward to tomorrow.....

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