Such a beautiful day today, frosty and sunny so we went for a walk we haven't done for a while....
....the colours were amazing.... beautiful, red berries on red stems....
.....can you see the Heron?
Jack enjoyed all the new smells....
....yellow catkins....
....we saw so many birds but this robin is the only one I managed to photograph...
..... a bunker in the woods...
....this woodland is so lovely and taken care of by volunteers...
....fallen logs covered in moss...
.....seating in the shape of a butterfly...
....more snowdrops and an icy stream...
....beautiful fungus....
.....the carved entrance to the woodland...
....Stanley Park across the road, many gulls floating on the ice.
After seeing so many trees I started a card using free machining and variegated thread...
....prepared four felted backgrounds with free machining... card completed using fabric, beads and french knots.
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