
Friday, 5 December 2014

Quick Post!!!

5th December 2014

This week has gone  sooo fast......

...I made myself do some housework!!


A little art work on two of my beach finds using a white gel pen....

.....RD has been busy making a bird house using wood left over from a planter project....

....just two of the planters made...

.....a tall planter complete with my 'Tower' poppy that I see from my kitchen window...

....a window box outside our garage, these cyclamen lift my spirits....

....the completed bird house with a felted roof and perches!

I have put in a request for a bug hotel for Christmas!!!!


I have actually finished sewing flowers on the netting for the park project, it seemed never ending but am pleased with the result. 
Also knitting an aran cardigan for my lovely daughter, 2 sleeves, back and half way up the front so on target!


Made Christmas cards but can't share yet and have nearly finished my Christmas shopping!


Have received 5 Christmas cards so must get mine written this weekend.
Hope you all have a great weekend and thank you for dropping by.....

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