
Monday, 29 December 2014

Christmas 2014

29th December 2014

Back home after a brilliant few days with the family......

.....this was our family photo taken after the fireworks on Christmas Day.


Christmas Eve at 9am in Richmond..... quiet! 

Had my hair cut and was given a glass of champagne, a great way to start the day, next shopping in Wholefoods for ingredients for my first ever attempt at making a Vegan, gluten free tart!

Back to Greenford for an afternoon cooking with my daughter, great!


Christmas morning was crisp and sunny and we made our way on quiet roads to Richmond where the family were gathering......

....the flat was beautifully decorated.....

....this was a decoupage stag head with big false eye lashes and silver twigs for antlers... favourite, the conservatory was like a grotto, quite magical... daughter made this fabulous sprout and cranberry wreath....

....a decorated bay tree brought in from the garden...

....and last but not least, Rudolph!

After greeting, chatting and a glass or two of 'fizz' we began opening presents....

...the aran cardigan was a good fit (thank goodness)....

....I had wonderful presents...

......felt, pixie boot slippers, so cosy and comfortable...

....a lovely hand made tile/plaque, I wish the artist had signed it!

A radio for my loft space...

.....a workshop....

....membership to the RSN, and subscriptions for Stitch and Workbox magazines!

The candles were lit...

.....a beautiful setting for our SUPERB dinner!

Indoor fireworks, a tradition in our family.....

then games and lots of LAUGHTER....

....the winning team in Pictionary....

...Letizia made the 'trophy' from play dough!!

Played Articulate, such fun, then went outside where the boys lit the fireworks.....

.....a brilliant day that was over too soon!
Boxing Day was very relaxed, lunch, then the 'girls' played Bananagram, a really good game  

.....while the boys played Poker! 


Saturday we hit Oxford Street, luckily early enough to miss the huge crowds.....

Sparkly Paddington....

....Bear Humbug...

....Selfridge's window of a gold Paddington and lots of marmalade!

I wish I had been able to do the river trail of Paddingtons, but didn't have enough time!

There are 50 in London displayed until 30th December, then there is an online auction to raise money for NSPCC. A great idea.

I bought these, half price, already thinking of cards for next Christmas!!!!


The fresh fruit and veg shops are amazing in Greenford, I love pomegranates so RD bought me one, HUGE, the apple, on left, is normal size.


Travelled home on Sunday,sunny day, scenery so beautiful and solid traffic on the M6, the journey too 6.75 hours!!!!

Took these photos at Stafford Services.... to unpack, do washing, food shop and get ready for the Yarnbombing next weekend-EEEEK

I feel very, very lucky to have such a wonderful family!

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