
Friday, 21 November 2014

Where did this week go?????

21st November 2014

I cannot believe it is Friday!

I have had a very busy week with meetings, knitting, crochet, organising park project, walking the dog, shopping for food and Christmas presents.....

I must make a LIST so that I can see what I have to do and feel satisfied when I delete items achieved!

On Wednesday we went to the cinema, Orange 2for1, to see 'The Imitation Game', Benedict Cumberbatch  was brilliant as Turing, a very moving film and well worth seeing in my humble opinion!

Yesterday, after Pilates, went to set up a Christmas tree in the Winter Gardens with the park group....

....can you spot our yarn covered cones, dream catchers and glittered cones??

 Various groups had been invited to set up trees and the display will be open to the public this weekend. 

I think my favourite was a driftwood tree but I didn't think to take a photo!! 

Next a quick trip to Lytham to deliver some of my cards and while waiting for RD took some photos.... the Square they have a wonderful pebble mosaic...

...dashed home, made dinner, then off to a Christmas Fair to raise funds for the local hospice...

..... treated myself to a glass coaster from Colette Halstead...

...her work is amazing....

...I chose the hare gazing at the moon, beautiful work from a local artist...

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