
Thursday 31 January 2019

Bowls and Bags

31st January 2019

I cannot believe it is the last day of January!

I have made another papier mache bowl......

.....this is a product I bought on a course last year....

.....the fibrous strands are soaked in water then they can be pulled apart and shaped, enjoyed playing and making these tree shapes.....

....painted my bowl with black acrylic and coated the 'trees' with PVA glue and placed around thee bowl, secured with these fabric sewing clamps until dry... the result!

Do you??


Also been using oddments from my stash to put pockets on canvas shoppers....

.....using small pieces of indigo dyed samples, joined with satin stitch and decorated with kanthan....

.....this was a hand dyed sample decorated with free machining...

....rust dyed fabrics woven and hand stitched....

...hope to sell these unique bags!

Lastly this was taken on the station at Turnham Green last night, thought we were in for a snow fall but it didn't happen although extremely cold!

Trying out some new card designs this week so watch this space!

1 comment:

  1. The pockets on your shopping bags are fabulous. They are so individual.
    The black dish with white trees looks amazing. I bet the fibres would look good as an inclusion between the layers of paper. The textures could be interesting. Loving the adventurous spirit in your work.
